Our world population is around 7.7 Billion and out of them 2.77 Billion are using internet. Digital marketing currently is getting a lot of hype due in the recent times due to increase usage of social media. People are using this platform for marketing/advertising their business.
This can also be referred to as ‘online marketing’, internet marketing or web marketing. In simpler terms, any form of marketing that is done online is termed as Digital Marketing.
It mainly involves the steps like Research, Plan and strategy, implement, measure and audit and Optimise.
Main benefits of digital marketing can be summarised
It helps your business to have a global reach.
It is cheaper in comparison to our tradition marketing mediums
It helps to promote in a personalised manner.
It helps to reach the masses due to increase in usage of social media
The business can be measured the reach of the people and make changes accordingly in their strategies.
It is available 24/7. Hence increased convenience to its customers
Digital marketing is an easy way to tell your Company’s and brand’s story to the masses. Social media, most popular among them is Facebook,Instagram, Whats app twitter etc, emails and websites give the companies the ability to reach consumers directly.
Digital marketing increases sales as it gives a personalised touch to the customers and it gives all the information regarding the product to the consumers in their hand. It becomes easier for the consumer to know the details of the product and get the answers to their concerns very promptly. Biggest example of this is AMAZON, FLIPKART etc; these have created a storm in the digital world and have set new benchmarks in the field of marketing and sales.
DIGITAL MARKETING SUCCESS….around 83% of the businesses believe that that their marketing is able to reach the desired goals.
Traditional marketing are no longer found to be effective as the customers are not found searching in newspapers, or advertisement boards; rather they are found starring their smart phones.
Disadvantages can be summarised as below
Dependability on technology
It may face security and privacy issues
Maintenance cost and continuous up gradation needed to survive in the increasing competition
Companies have to face worldwide competition due to globalisation
Promotional strategy can be copied by the rival.
Pictures and images can be misused to mislead the customers
Requires more initial investment hence turns out to be expensive for small enterprise owners
Hence before getting into the digital world, one must research well about the pros and cons of the digital marketing world. One has to plan with lot of diligence as once the same is proposed in the market one has to continue with the same to meet the expectations of the customers. If you succeed in doing the same you will win else will be soon thrown out of the lot due in continuous development in technology and increased competition
Heatmaps a new tool in today’s digital marketing world. In simple terms it can be termed as the tool to measure the success of your website. It is a graphical presentation that uses colour coding to represent different values. It shows user behaviour on specific web pages or web page templates. It shows where the users have clicked on a page, how far they have scrolled and been on a particular web page.
The benefits of heat maps are very rewarding. It helps to know which areas of your website are getting more clicks. This analysis is shown in a visual image which is very easy to understand at a glance. Later the same analysis is used to plan out a strategy. Heat maps are the most popular insight tools available to any company which wants to improve its user experience on their website.
Analytics tools like Google Analytics or Site Catalyst are great at providing metrics to show which pages users visit but they can lack detail when it comes to understanding how users engage with those pages. Heatmaps can give a more comprehensive overview of how users are really behaving.
Heatmaps are also a lot more visual than standard analytics reports, which can make them easier to analyse at a glance. This makes them more accessible, particularly to people who are not accustomed to analysing large amounts of data.
Good heat mapping tools, such as Heatmaps enable analysts to segment and filter the data. This means that it can be easy to see how different types of users are engaging with a particular page
Benefits of Heatmaps
Direct overview of web page performance:
It draws instant attention to important issues in your website. There are different types of heat maps. A click heatmap reveals the clicking patterns of the users. It shows the visibility of your website. Attention shows which part of your web page most is engaging to its users. Movement it tracks the movement of the mouse. Lastly GEO heatmaps shows the territories or countries where usage are higher or lower.
Providing visual paths to understand the numeric values:
A well known saying fits well here,“ A picture is worth a thousand words”, and a heatmap similarly is worth a thousand numbers.
Its major benefit is picture is easier to understand rather than numbers written in columns and rows. A graph made from an excel having numbers are much easier to understand at a glance rather than the whole spreadsheet. A spread sheet presentation will be having a higher bounce rate rather than the rest of the website and the spreadsheet numbers would not be able to explain the reason behind it.
The same data if reviewed in a heat map quickly reveals the problematic click rate rate is due to a link being hidden in other misleading elements, or that a high bounce rate could be explained by a low-visibility page.
Heatmaps is the best tool to conceptualise and interpret data and patterns making it easier for the analytics and designers to make changes according to the gaps identified by studying the heat maps.
User friendly web design:
Effective web designing is not an easy job. Any website which looks good and complete involves hours of research and work. It involves questioning your own choices and recognizing areas of improvement. In a web design learning from the users is very important. Heatmaps plays a very important role to make out what your audience does, what they are liking and what not. Navigational patterns can also be known by the use unfiltered feedback. One can also check the success of future websites before opening to large number of audience.
Better understanding of your audience choice and providing them with more better experience
Web design is a visual communication art and the various elements of a website displays a series of messages. The goal of the designer could be to sell a service, product or an idea to your users who are a part of the conversation. The designer needs to show interest in understanding how they react to your message and understanding of a particular post on the webpage. One has to design the website in a manner that it stands out of the crowd in order to attract maximum audience
This also involves understanding what are the things that the audience dislikes and get distracted while searching, and this is why friction scores on heatmaps can be so helpful. Such a tool can automatically track data to give you an idea of where and when the user has the dislike
Heatmap filters can show how different your audience reacts to the same web page. Listening to a specific audience lets you offer them a better experience.
Helps companies make knowledgeable choices
It helps the managers to make better choices from the available web design choices. Users can analyse which webpage is having all the requirements as per their need.
One more important area which heat maps cover is exposing dangerous frauds. These one amongst the various heat map options available. Senior management and boards can benefit from periodically requesting and discussing fraud-risk maps. One section is likely and the unlikely, but potentially most dangerous, fraud risks the company faces? How can we know that the frauds are happening and in which areas? And what’s being done to prevent them?
Ideally, fraud risk heat maps are built through a collaborative effort involving people of different levels and across functions and represent a consensus about the potential financial, regulatory, and the impacts various frauds could create on the Company’s reputation. The heat maps depicted here show hypothetical assessments of fraud risks, prior to risk mitigation by controls, in companies in two different industries. They illustrate how risks can vary dramatically from one company to the other. It helps the Company to identify the risk factor and take the necessary steps to overcome them in advance.
SEO copywriting is defined as writing content with phrases which readers type in the search box. It also helps in driving traffic to the website and rank higher in search results.
One needs to focus on the keywords with lot of diligence as it should not mislead the readers or lose the conversation focus. The writing should not be hard to read. Google must find the content as valuable and authoritative resource.
What is the basic difference between traditional and SEO copywriting:
Whenever we want to search something on the net we type some words which in the SEO language is termed as the keywords. SEO writing contains key phrases which helps google to search your website which contains contents the reader is searching for.
Hence the first step in SEO writing is the use of appropriate keywords. Next google also wants to see authoritative contents which fully answers the questions of the reader. The content should be capable to stand out of the crowd and should be competitive.
Earlier people were using “keyword stuffing” as one of the practices to get higher ranking on the search engines. It is a practice of shoving as many SEO keywords onto a page in order to manipulate the search ranking. But now this method doesn’t work. Google has now become smarter, your content needs to be smarter to position in the top slot.
Now the question arises what helps content rank in search results?
There are many factors related to this. The content should be such that it interests the readers. Something that educates, entertains the readers. There is a tool called periodic table available on the Search Engine. On the left side there are most of the elements that focus on the quality of the content
The freshness of the content is very much important for a good success ratio of SEO.
So if you find that
Your pages aren’t showing on Google
Pages aren’t converting
You feel your content is out dated
Your content was never optimised
Here comes the importance of SEO content copy writing. Most of the big brands also are not aware of it importance and the right way to use it. It involves lot of planning and team work. Hence it is very critical to seek the help of professionals. It has the below listed benefits once all the related things are collaborated well :-
Boost in Your Search Rankings.Great SEO makes your content more visible and will help it claim more prominent spots on the search results, which in turn are important since these spots claim the majority of the clicks and attention.
Save You Money. Earlier companies were relying on advertising or paid placements to attract customers, SEO copywriting services can represent a real cost-savings SEO copywriting targets the customers you want to connect with, and gives your content writing a way to higher rankings
Focus on Content. Search engines are claiming an increasingly larger market share because of increased usage, so featuring more prominently within them is a very good idea. Content writing helps you remaining to the point and get more and more viewers and in turn good amount of business
Help You Remain Competitive. In today’s digital marketing world in order to survive in the competition one has to get hold of SEO copywriting. Hence no matter how good the company and the products are there are chances to miss the bus in the crowd.
A good SEO copy writing has the capability to send across your message very clearly to it users. If one wants to have your website to have good relevance then importance of SEO writing cannot be ignored. A search engine optimisation (SEO) copywriting service can provide you with a team of professional copywriters who will craft content that provides your customers and clients with crystal-clear content, engaging, and concise information
Let us know quickly go through the 10 smart reasons to hire SEO copywriting services
Good Research that Boosts Your Content’s Value :
A good SEO copywriter knows how to do research and incorporate it into an article. He very well knows the use of influential links which are relevant to the content. Having links to relevant, reputable third-party sources throughout your content can help it earn higher search rankings.
Customer Calls to Action:
A SEO copy writer is a copywriter first, which means they know how to craft a mean CTA. Calls to action is basically the “ask” of the customers. SEO professionals can help boost your conversions, but did you know that simple SEO tactics, like including keywords and phrases in your linked CTA anchor text can also help your site rank and produce more qualified leads? An SEO copywriter can deliver all of this and more.
Enhanced Page Focus:
In order to create a good focus page one should have a good understanding of SEO. And SEO copywriters understand exactly how to narrow, target, and position your content so that it ranks most efficiently for your chosen keyword.
Better Keyword Research:
Keyword research is the most important tool of SEO writing and if you’re targeting crappy, short keywords and phrases and being disappointed by your results, SEO copywriting services can help. While keyword research is a major factor in good SEO, not everyone knows how to do it. It requires the intelligent use of several tools and approaches Hire SEO copywriting services, that will improve your rankings keeping in mind all the factors involved
Natural Keyword Inclusion
Once you’ve tracked those keywords down, what do you do with them? Do you just stuff them into your copy wherever they fit or do you include them naturally SEO copywriters will weave keywords in a way that readers don’t even notice them, but search engines can rank them.
Do you know how to write meta tags and descriptions? Do you even know what they are?
If your answer is “no,” that’s okay! These are the perfect example of difficult yet essential SEO tools that only experienced copywriters know how to handle. These tags are embedded in the HTML of your site like everything else, and once upon a time, they factored greatly into SEO
Pages that Are the Perfect Length:
Length plays into the SEO value of your online content. SEO copywriters know when to keep content long, when to shorten it up, and which word count limits you can’t go over. For example, good SEOs know that web pages should be about 350 words while blogs rank best if they’re 1,500 words or longer.
Simpler Writing
Simplicity is the best policy.
Works very well here. GreatSEO copywriters know that keeping it simple is the best bet. Lot of companies tend to over-complicate their writing, a great SEO copywriter will be able to make it approachable and easily understandable to the audience.
Better Landing Pages
Have you ever wanted to create a good landing pages? SEO copywriting services can help you do it. SEO copywriters know what it takes to develop a great landing page, and understand how to use language, formatting, and offers to engage the readers.
10. Skilled Competitor Analysis
SEO copywriters have the skills to analyse and learn from what the competitors are doing, and develop actionable strategies to outrank them. This is helpful to survive in the competition by looking for smart ways to take advantage of the data surrounding them
If you want your brand to grow, you need to invest in SEO copywriting services. Whether you’re simply trying to get your brand to rank or working to create a high-profile website with thousands of monthly visitors, the help of a good SEO copywriting service is exactly what it’s going to take to get through
It basically means a particular type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. In other words it can also be termed as a ‘Recognition a Company’s product gets in the market and is known in the market with the company name.
Brand management is the process of maintaining, improving, and upholding a brand so that the name is associated with a good reputation in the marketing world. Brand management involves a number of important aspects such as cost, customer satisfaction, in-store presentation, and competition. The basis of brand management is built on a marketing foundation, but focuses directly on the brand and how that brand can remain favourable to customers. Proper brand management can result in higher sales of not only one product, but on other products associated with that brand. For example, if a customer loves one particular product of the company then he might like to try other products as well due to the brand image of the Company in customer’s mind
What is the purpose of brand management
For a brand of products to be successful in the today’s competitive world can only be created if the brand management system is competent. Brand management mostly comprises of tangible and intangible characteristics. By the word tangible we mean the product itself, its packaging pricing etc. The intangible aspect refers to the emotional connect which the consumer has with the product which leaves a very positive impression about the product
Role of a Brand Manager
Now the important role in brand management is of the Brand Manager. He is the one who oversees brand performance, from boosting the product’s value in the market and sustain it for a longer period. He has a vital role to play in managing both the tangible and intangible characteristics. A successful brand can only be created if the brand management system is competent.
Brand management in the digital marketing world.
Do you know the success mantra of most of the top most companies in the world. How they have managed to stand out in the crowd since years and are still unbeatable. How a Company achieves such a liking that the consumer always chooses your Company when he has another option of your competitor.
Then here are some little known tricks that some of the biggest companies in the world use to turn first time customers into loyal fans. Reputation is universal and here its how working for companies of all sizes.
Benefits of Brand Management
Good brand management attracts customers:
A company providing good experience to its customers in terms of customer service, product quality and satisfaction gets a good brand reputation to your Company. A good brand reputation works like a reassurance to its customers, social proof or a mean to reduce doubts when it comes to purchasing decisions.
Reputation in turn becomes a sign of good quality and service to its consumers for a brand, it’s a sort of an incentive to deliver and maintain quality. Strong brand reputation simplifies a consumer’s buying decision and increases one’s trust towards your brand.
Good brand management helps during PR crises:
In the today’s world of social media one has to be very careful about his reputation. Negative news will affect the Company’s reputation no matter what big the Company is Good brand reputation management means being able to spot situations that can potentially harm a company’s reputation and escalate into reputation crisis.
Web and social media monitoring tools can help in identifying such threats. Yeah, but what makes a threat a threat?
A disappointed customer will lead to serious loss to the Company’s reputation. With the increased use of whats app and other social media channels negative news spread faster than good ones.
It sometimes happens that industry news or experts may negatively review your product or service which can put your company in a bad light this is where web and social media monitoring tools are irreplaceable.
Adjust Your Strategy
How? Simply, know what consumers want.
In order to survive in the competition one has to know the needs of the customers and to encash those needs in the best possible way
A good brand manager keeps an eye not only on the social media conversations of his Company but also of his competitors. He tries to figure out what changes will help him in his product in order to overcome the negative comments and increase customer satisfaction.
Increase Brand Awareness
We have understood what a good brand image will give us. It gets converted into good profits. Hence a Company needs be constantly working on improving its brand awareness and image.
One has to approach social media influencers in order to get benefits of word of mouth. Influencers and brand ambassadors interested in your business spread a word across their fan communities. More people hear about your business and your brand awareness increases as the influencers are well versed with such skills and they a very important role in increasing brand awareness
Monitor Your Competition
All the efforts will go in vain if one does not monitor the performance after putting in all the above efforts. There are tools available to measure them and a good brand manager is the one who will analyse the available data and find out ways and means to overcome the gaps and encash the best results in good business
Engage Your Community
Good brands should be quick in responding to its customers on the social media community. This will keep the consumers engaged and also they will have a feeling of being a valued customer as all this comments and concerns are addressed promptly. In social media getting the engagement of consumers is easier as they use the official handle for communication. However it becomes challenging for companies where consumers go without the official handle for their feedback and concerns. Here to engage the community is a tough job
In business, people certainly judge the book by its cover and that book is your brand reputation. It’s absolutely crucial for your market presence to have possibly the best brand image as it draws customer attention and increases profits.
Email marketing is one of the mediums of “Digital Marketing”. Basically as the word suggests it is marketing done via emails. It is one segment of Internet Marketing which encompasses via websites, social media,blogs etc. Currently due to increased use of smart phones and social media 94% of people use emails as the medium of communication, while 61% use social media.
In any kind of financial transaction now a days emails ids are in use and people day by day are preferring email communication which is also paper less and helps to preserve the environment.
Many people are found to be buying an email list to market their products and sending mass mails but this is not the right way to do it.
A Marketer needs to create his own recipient list rather then using the above method. Making a personal list makes the marketing more effective. Wishing the customers on their birthdays and anniversaries, sending regular updates about the Companies development, schemes, discounts, new stocks etc, increases customers loyalty.
Tips for building an email list
Marketer needs to adhere to the CAM-SPAM Act, option to unsubscribe and the Marketers name and contact details for the customer to contact. If the marketer is sending Newsletters then the he needs to stick to the schedule. He needs to ensure that the letter is published on the same day and time.
We just should not send the mails for the sake of sending. Content of the mail should be to create a rapport with the customers, it should contain suggestions for better deals, good product quality.
Advantages of Email marketing
Low risk
Low cost as no prints, no postage. It involves investing in a software to automate, track and evaluate their mails. This may result into small overhead expense but this would me much less than the other modes of marketing
Easy to start….email marketing doesn’t require huge team in order to be successful. It requires creativity with attractive content by using simple plain text, fancy templates, videos, images and logos
Enabling automation will reduce the cost and time
Enabling targeted messages. Suppose there is a Franchisee in a particular country who is offering sales on the goods, then via email on those targeted audiences would be receiving the mails of promotion.
Data can be easily analysed
Personalized approach to customers
Boundless access to customers due to globalisation.
Quick response to concerns
Email messages have a wider range of formatting possibilities
Instant impact as one can see results immediately after sending the mails For e.g a mailer having details of 24 hour sale is as brilliant marketing ploy as it creates a sense of urgency and temptation as the mailer would be containing attractive offers.
Moving to some down siders now
Emails branded as spammer…if we keep sending too many mails that doesn’t value the audience. Some receivers are too lazy who will not unsubscribe the mailer and keep throwing it to the trash folder. We need to make sure that we aim to get a clear feedback from your subscriber. If u do not want to end up in a spam, we need to choose a trustworthy email service provider ensuring not to send unnecessary mails
Moving out of the list: People do unsubscribe regularly but we can learn from his by keeping an eye on the % of unsubscribers. It will help you to improve the quality and content of the mails to reduce the subscriber rates which is the most frequently occurring disadvantage of email marketing
Adhere the laws: Due to spammers there are very strict laws across countries. We need to know the laws of different countries before making the mailing list. One needs to know about the spam filters enabled so as not to enter into any kind of law violation.
Mail delivery issues: Subscribers are often found changing the mail ids. Hence the very purpose of sending he mail is not met and it may result into undeliverable or may never be read.
Keeping the readers engaged: After a certain point of time receiving the same mailers every time brings annoyance. This because mostly because the content is no longer of any relevance to the reader. Make sure that this does not happen to you. We need to analyse the database in order to cater the need of the receiver.
Formatting issue: One of the disadvantage is that the mailer would be opened in many devices and one cannot make out how it will look on a particular screen size. Hence the designing should be done with lot of care so that it fits in all types of devices and screen size
Hence to summarise in the today’s digital marketing world which is increasing at a galloping speed; email marketing is the best tool if utilised vigilantly. Every second person now a days is having a smart phone and is having a email id to access it. Everyone checks their mail box once or twice a day. A marketer has a pretty decent percentage of chance to connect to the customers
Today it doesn’t matter what industry you are in or what product you are selling, being a part of your audience’s daily routine (and getting their attention) is a hugely valuable marketing activity. It has the calibre todrive traffic to your website, online store, blog, and social media channels and help youreach your marketing goals quicker than many advertising platforms can.
Email marketing is one of the mediums of “Digital Marketing”. Basically as the word suggests it is marketing done via emails. It is one segment of Internet Marketing which encompasses via websites, social media,blogs etc. Currently due to increased use of smart phones and social media 94% of people use emails as the medium of…