In the world of Internet marketing, there is one question that often baffles Internet Marketers and business owners: What is SEO and why is it important? Search engine optimization is simply the process of enhancing the quantity and quality of site traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEO aims at free and unpaid traffic rather that paying or direct traffic. It can be defined as a process for improving a website’s Search Engine Ranking (SERP) and bringing it into the first page of major search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. The better the ranking, the more visitors a website will have and the more potential customers it will have.

Now, when we talk about what is SEO, a definition of this process would be an organic approach in optimizing a website. This is a more natural process where the content of a website is given prime importance unlike the process of creating content for Search Engine Optimization which is usually a technique that uses paid advertisements, in-site links and other techniques to improve a website’s SERP. The objective of creating content for Search Engine Optimization is to improve a website’s rank in SERP through keyword analysis, link popularity and other methods.

The above mentioned process cannot be accomplished overnight. In fact, it requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the business owner or entrepreneur to achieve the desired result. To begin with, there are two primary seo factors which need to be taken into consideration. These are called on-page and off-page SEO factors. The on-page SEO factors pertains to optimizing the content on the website itself, while the off-page factors pertains to optimizing the website’s URL, description tagline and meta description tags.



What is on Page SEO, as a website optimizer may ask, is all about how we optimize pages so that search engines will find it when a user types a keyword phrase in the search bar. Search engines, and Google in particular, have become very good at what they do. And it is no longer enough to have a great webpage. You have to have an excellent design and content. On-page SEO is the strategic process of optimizing content to make better rankings in search and bring relevant traffic to a site. Basically it involves tactics which help a single webpage rank for a specific keyword.


Keywords and keyword phrases should be researched so that you have the best ones that are related to your business and also relevant to your website theme. Keyword research tools can be used by professionals who are into on-page optimization for businesses. These tools provide information about keyword popularity and search volume. The research also shows how many other pages are ranking for the same keywords. Keyword analysis tools help you analyze your competitors and see what keywords they use. This is a great way to get ideas about what keywords you should use on your own webpage.


In summary, what is on page SEO is important if you want to attract targeted audience and convert them into buyers. Using good on-page SEO techniques can help you achieve this goal. Avoid bad strategies like keyword stuffing, which is something most website owners do. Keyword research is necessary if you want to know what is on page SEO.



What is Off Page SEO? As with on-page SEO, off page off SEO includes several components within a site such as content, images, Metadata, & codes, off page off SEO also includes factors beyond a site such as link building. When marketing an online business, it is wise to take advantage of the link building power that links have. Link building gives your website the “presence” that it needs to increase its visibility and generate more traffic.


There are many advantages to this off-page seo strategy. First of all, if you don’t have the time to build backlinks or to perform SEO strategies such as article marketing then this is probably the best way to go. This is a great way to generate lots of free traffic from the very start. Second of all, this strategy will allow you to build relationships with other websites and blogs which will result in more direct link building, at least indirectly. Third, with the right off-page seo strategy, you can leverage off page factors such as your keyword research, your blog / site content, your meta tags & keywords, backlinking, etc.


What is Off Page SEO Strategy? One off page optimization technique is to build natural links to your site. A natural link building is an important strategy because natural links from influential sites tend to have high rankings. These links are not artificially placed but are “naturally” based. There are many ways to find influencers and these include: directory submissions, social bookmarking and discussion boards, guest posting (you must make sure that the site owner or blog owner permits this), and PR sites (the blog posts should come from a PR company and the articles should be well written and optimized to their particular niche).



What is local SEO? As the name implies, local SEO is all about optimizing your site for a particular geographical location or the area that is closest to your home or business. If you own a local small business, you need your site (and blog) to ranked well for local search results. Optimizing your site for local search is all about making certain that people are able to find you when they do a search.

In order to understand what benefits of local SEO you can get from optimizing your site for a particular place, it helps to understand how Google measures keyword popularity. Google uses data from searches done using those keywords as its way of measuring how many people are looking for answers to those questions.

What this means for local SEO is that your keywords should be the most common searches that are done in your area. This will help to ensure that people who are specifically looking for what you have to offer can find you when they conduct searches.

The biggest benefits of local seo are that you will be able to target people who are specifically looking for services and products that you provide in your geographic location. You can also target searches for certain things like your business profile, or your company’s logo.

Another benefit is that it allows you to build a local presence within the community. Having your business listing on Google Maps, for example, can give you a great deal of exposure. You may not think that your business profile will help with local searches, but it can. Google Maps will help to attract local searches by letting your business profile appear more often on the map, which increases your chances of being found by searchers

CHAPTER 5 – Internatinoal SEO


What is International SEO?

International SEO is a marketing strategy that helps a company to expand its reach internationally. This strategy is actually a type of SEO, or search engine optimization, that helps a company to optimize its website in order to rank higher in search engines in other regions This is important for companies that want to reach a more global audience. International SEO works by: Affiliating the site with other sites that allow for the exchange of content and share the same IP address Seizing on the value of the website in other regions Of course, with International SEO, you need to find and target a location in another region, which means more labor, more technology, and more resources.


Why is International SEO important for a company?

International marketing strategy offers a company an amazing opportunity to reach a new audience. This can be done by setting up a website in different regions and by hiring a local SEO company to improve their site for the purpose. It is important to note that a business that operates in multiple countries should focus on different markets in order to reach a global audience. For example, search engines do not show the same information for different countries. This will have a strong impact on the reach of the website. When setting up a website to target different markets, it is a good idea to know the biggest global markets to target. A website that is optimized for a specific market will have a smaller audience compared to a more general website.


What should a company do to prepare for International SEO?

How can a company determine what it needs to do to prepare for international SEO? Well, the first thing you can do is to develop a detailed strategy. You need to know where your customers are located and where they’re from. You should also understand the culture in your target countries and how to establish yourself in each market. This will make your marketing strategy better and allow your company to make more sales. Other things to consider are the following: How many websites are using your domain? What languages are your customers speaking? Are there any barriers to your company’s site from using your desired domain name in different languages? Does your target market speak multiple languages? How do you know that you will be able to grow your business in the region?



What is Video SEO? The Ultimate Guide


Video Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your videos so they rank high in search engine results for relevant keywords. In this article, we will explore the different types of video SEO, how to optimize your videos, and how to implement video SEO in your day-to-day strategy. Video SEO is a process that is not very different from text-based SEO.


What is the Difference Between Video SEO and SEO?

Video SEO helps you rank your videos in the search engines. When a video is being searched for on the search engines, people are looking for text related to the video. If your video has relevant keywords in it, it will rank high in the search engines. You can also rank your videos in YouTube and search engines with the help of audio-based SEO. On YouTube, videos that are produced with audio-based keywords will rank higher than non-audio-based videos. If you are working with video, here are some keywords that are relevant for video SEO: Title Description Image Topics Limitations Directions Add Interactivity to Your Videos People nowadays love video content. Why? Because they can show their real faces, not just the videos’ backgrounds.


Types of Video SEO

The video SEO strategy that you use may depend on the video you plan to use. However, let us first examine some important video SEO terms that are often used: Shortened Video: A shortened video is a video that is under 6 minutes long. Shortened videos are often placed near the beginning of a page or in the sidebar to help users quickly find what they are looking for. A shortened video is a video that is under 6 minutes long. Shortened videos are often placed near the beginning of a page or in the sidebar to help users quickly find what they are looking for. Low-Impact Video: A low-impact video is a video that is high in quality, but is of little interest to your viewers. Such videos can also contain keywords in the title or tags that will not help with video search ranking.


How to Optimize Videos for SEO

Optimizing your videos means optimizing them for search engines. The process has three main elements. 1. Adding SEO keywords It’s good practice to optimize your keywords before you make your videos. Make sure that the video title is SEO-friendly. Choose descriptive, relevant keywords for your content, and optimize the title. If your video is not SEO-friendly, people won’t be able to find it through search engine results. 2. Content If the title of your video isn’t SEO-friendly, this means that most of the people who will watch your video are unlikely to find it through search engines. What are some simple ways to optimize your videos for SEO? Create an engaging video. Design your video to be as engaging as possible. Make sure that your video has a structured structure.


How to Implement Video SEO in Your Day-to-Day Strategy

For effective video SEO, you have to focus on these areas: Video YouTube Optimization (VTO) Video Facebook Optimization (VFB) Video on Pinterest Optimization (VPI) Video Social Network Optimization (SNO) The video VTO is probably the most important for your video SEO success. Your video should be optimized for YouTube search. It’s not enough to upload your video and click “publish.” You need to be utilizing several different video optimization strategies in order to rank higher on YouTube search results. It’s easy to get lost in the confusion of the different video marketing platforms like YouTube and Facebook. But, thankfully, most of the tools you’ll need are free. There are even videos on video VTOs if you need some more help.



Video SEO is a process that is not very different from text-based SEO. Of course, you are going to need to build the back-links and appropriate links that can allow the YouTube video to rank well in Google. The only difference is that with video, there is much more emphasis on keywords and the title. If you want to keep in touch with the latest video marketing and SEO tips, feel free to join our Facebook Group and our Google Group.