
Design news & Articles


The Benefits of Local SEO

The Benefits of Local SEOLocal SEO is an essential part of improving organic traffic to your website. A local search engine is a great place to boost your business's visibility. More than 80 percent of local searches are made on mobile devices. This means that when...

How to Approach International SEO

If your company sells several brands or products in different countries, you should approach them separately. Instead of one website, create a dedicated website for each country. Make sure that you understand your audience and what keywords they'll be searching for,...

How Ecommerce Websites Use Instagram to Promote Their Brands

How Ecommerce Websites Use Instagram to Promote Their BrandsWhether you want to promote a new product or promote your brand, Instagram can help you get there. It's free to use, and it's especially effective for small businesses that don't have the budget for expensive...

Who is Travel Blogger Who is a Travel Blogger A person who wants to become a travel blogger obviously should be the one who loves to travel and explore new places. He is the one who wanders round the different places and collect information about...

Benefits of Video Marketing

Benefits of Video Marketing

  Benefits of Video Marketing In today's world Video Marketing is nothing new, rather it is in trend currently with the increased use of social media in the digital marketing world. In fact the year 2016 has been called the year of video. In this article we will go...

What is Content Writing

What is Content Writing Content writing is focused on content that informs, educates and entertains readers. they are familiar with online marketing tactics and and create contents for many channels like websites, blogs, videos, social media and emails. It basically...

Six Sigma In Digital Marketing

Lean Six Sigma in Digital Marketing Now a days apart from the traditional methods of marketing of television, newspapers, advertisement hoardings etc ; digital marketing is now the talk of the  importance and more and more people are found using the medium for...

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Benefits of Digital Marketing Our world population is around 7.7 Billion and out of them 2.77 Billion are using internet. Digital marketing currently is getting a lot of hype due in the recent times due to increase usage of social media. People are using this platform...

Heatmaps and its benefits

Heatmaps and its benefits Heatmaps a new tool in today's digital marketing world. In simple terms it can be termed as the tool to measure the success of your website. It is a graphical presentation that uses  colour...

What is SEO Copywriting

What is SEO Copywriting SEO copywriting is defined as writing content with phrases which readers type in the search box. It also helps in driving traffic to the website and rank higher in search results. One needs to focus on the keywords with lot of diligence as it...

What is Brand Management

What is Brand Management What does Brand Mean It basically means a particular type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. In other words it can also be termed as a ‘Recognition a Company’s product gets in the market and is known in...

What is Email Marketing What is Email Marketing Email marketing is one of the mediums of “Digital Marketing”. Basically as the word suggests it is marketing done via emails. It is one segment of Internet Marketing which encompasses via websites,...

Social Media Influencers

Social Media Influencers Social Media Influencers are people who has the credibility to attract large amount of audience in a specific field. Their word of mouth has the potential to influence buyers and can persuade the audience by their recommendations to buy a...

What is Link Building

What is Link Building Link building as the word suggests is creating links to navigate to other web pages of relevance to the reader.  It is a hyperlink which is mainly called as a link is a way for the users to navigate between different web pages. They are like a...

10 Marketing tips for Accounting Firms

10 Marketing tips for Accounting Firms

Accounting firms for any business house monitors the financial condition of the company and holds a very important position in the finance market. They provide very essential services of tax planning and monitoring the cost and expenses of a business house. On the...

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