
What Does it Mean for Future Cryptocurrencies?

Written by Jvalin Sonawala



What Does it Mean for Future Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrency, the money or digital currency that changes its value with supply and demand based on algorithms, is becoming the most talked about trend in technology today. The leading cryptocoin, etherium, is currently stealing the show as the top digital currency in the market. Currently, ether is valued at over a half a trillion dollars, more than twice that of etherium. Even though it isn’t the most profitable or highly traded, etherium is nevertheless, one of the most widely used and profitable in many different ways.

Another one of the rising trends in cryptosurfs is bitcoin, the original and still the most well known cybercurrency on the market. At present, it is worth over three billion dollars in market cap. While it didn’t rise as rapidly as etherium or other more exotic cryptosurfs like Vergeum, it is still a massive and lucrative market. Some of the reasons for this are that it is more liquid, more anonymous, and it is not tied to any particular government.

With such a huge amount of hype surrounding the valuation of bitcoins and etherium, much of the conversation revolves around which is the best option for investing in these currencies. As is typical with hype, however, the discussion typically ends up taking one of two forms. Many individuals claim that etherium is the best choice for investing, citing scalability, anonymity, and the fact that it is tied to nothing but electricity. Others will claim that bitcoins are the best option because they are the most secure, can be traded anonymously, and are considerably more popular. Needless to say, there is no middle ground when discussing this topic, and you should generally invest in at least one form of currency.

As far as the decentralized nature of Cryptocurrency goes, this is one aspect that has been brought up numerous times. The decentralized nature refers to how each transaction on the currency ledger is saved across the different users’ computers, resulting in the entire ledger being stored on the network rather than just one party. This makes the ledger transparent, ensuring transparency in financial dealings by users all over the world.

Even with the use of blockchains, there are still chances for corruption due to hacking attempts, so this feature is often taken for granted. For an overview of how Ethanol compares to other forms of Cryptocurrency, it will be necessary to understand how the two works in tandem. When you trade ether for Ethanol, you are trading a digital currency based on the performance of the oil market rather than an equity stock, since Ethanol is technically a fuel.

In order for the Ethanol platform to work properly, there are several factors that must be considered. The first factor is the total supply of Ethanol, since too much or too little will have a drastic effect on its price value. The other factor is how the marketplace for Ethanol is developed, in terms of what the community at large wants. There are currently severalICO startups aiming to offer the best Ethanol available in the market, but there are also some who have already launched Ethanol based tokens, aiming to provide investors with a simple way of investing in the platform without having to go through the process of actually buying a tangible asset.

So far, one of the most prominent Cryptocurrency behind bitcoin is Vitalik Buterin’s eth-core project, which aims to develop a standard for a global digital currency. His plan is to make the core transaction protocol, also called transaction model, standardized across all cryptosystems. His vision is to make the Ethanol market “self-sufficient”, with its own marketplace and trading infrastructure built around it. This means that any developer who want to build a new application using any other digital currency will find it easier to do so with eth-core than trying to integrate it with other currencies.

One of the reasons why we believe that this project is so ground breaking is that it follows an open source protocol, which provides an easy development environment for all its applications. The main challenge for any new application platform such as this is the lack of a strong regulatory platform behind it, as well as the fact that there are few established cryptosystems in the market which can support it. However, Buterin’s project aims to make the transition from a developer’s platform into a first-class medium for real-world use, backed up by strong regulation and a stable market. It also aims to provide a bridge between the “Internet’s” traditional users of Cryptocurrencies and the more advanced technologies underlying the platform.

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