
Digital Marketing Tips for Fitness Industry

Digital Marketing Tips for Fitness Industry

Written by MYB Agency


Digital Marketing Tips for Fitness Industry

Fitness industry is gaining more and more importance due increased health awareness for wellness among people. It is a varied term now and not limited to just going to the Fitness. It is expanded to watching videos at home and exercising, installing mobile applications etc., uploading videos on YouTube on various topics related to health and fitness. Thanks to technological development that it is easy for the masses to have access to this fast developing world of health and fitness.

Whether you are owning a small gym or a large chain of gyms, marketing your fitness club is very important part of running your business successfully. Actually for this industry word of mouth has found to be very beneficial as people tend to speak about their good results in weight gain and loss both;  and if you have delivered good results then the other person will immediately ask the name of the Fitness he/she has been going to.

Below listed are some tips for developing an effective digital marketing tips for fitness industry

1. User friendly website

First step towards digital marketing is to get good designed, attractive and user friendly website. Since you are into Health and Fitness business your website should be attractive in order to attract the attention of the visitor. Website should be simple to navigate, club locations should be on the first page and it should have presence in search engines. Although creating a website on your own is not an easy task and paying someone in the initial stage of the business turns out to be costly. However using digital tools to create a website on your own may not give desired results as engaging a digital marketing expert may turn out to be expensive initially but the results you want will pay off. Flashing promotional marketing campaigns with an easy sign up option will lead to good amount of inquiries and later closed business.

2. Using local SEO

This is the most cost effective and result oriented option. We have often found people looking for Gyms near my area, best gyms in (Name of City), fitness clubs near me, etc. These are the keywords used in local search engines to give you a high ranking on the Google search results. Ensure you use these local keywords in your content. Name, address and phone number should be part of your website to get good results on leads. Using local citation is also very beneficial. It is a combination of your website address, phone number and address as part and result of SEO. These local citations also have an option to review and give ratings to your services which gives an added advantage to get more inquiries and customers. If you have multiple branches then create a dedicated page for each branch with the city names. You can also go deeper in your descriptions mentioning multiple landmarks to identify the gym’s surrounding area. These descriptions will not only prove to be a good opportunity to advertise your club but also to provide a good way to help your search engines rank higher on GOOGLE.

3. Track your performance

Once the job work of marketing is planned and implemented by the digital marketer, next step is to check the performance. Online marketing gives you loads of options to market your GYM on different social media channels like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc. It is not necessary to use one and all the platforms together. Doing so might not give you desired results as you may be Jack of all trades and master of none. Hence it is better to excel in some more well-known and followed options rather than getting average results in all parameters. Use of Google Analytics helps you monitor your results on different areas. You may need some assistance from an expert to figure out the same. Once you set up a goal; attach utm tag (snippets of code) to each link you send on social media platforms, newsletter etc. You can build UTM tags by simply naming the campaign, the medium and the source. Once this link is sent out and a visitor clicks on it and the goal you have set up on your website, it will reflect in Google Analytics.

4. Influencer

Customer’s purchase decision of  21st century is driven by celebrities to a considerable extent. Celebrities endorsing your fitness club through videos, small clips on whats app,Facebook etc creates a good impression in the mind of inquirers. Videos where these celebrities are doing exercise in your GYM, photos on different channels should to be a part of your digital marketing campaign. Another option is to invite well-known people of the fitness world (sports person, film stars etc) to write a blog on your website about your GYM, health benefits of going to GYM, different types of exercises and their benefits etc. Such material is of interest for many viewers and people are often found striving hard to regularly hit the GYM but are not able to do.

5. Video marketing

Exercising and hitting the GYM regularly is a tough job to follow regularly. People are often found paying yearly subscriptions and then not going the GYM regularly. Videos showing that workouts in your GYM are not boring but are filled with fun. Shooting videos of your existing customer enjoying their workout session, videos showing variance in the session every day with different forms will interest old as well and new members. These videos should be uploaded regularly on all social media channels. Streaming videos of satisfied gym members sharing their weight loss story will help you gain trust and confidence of new members.

6. Mobile app

This is a very well-known option nowadays. Having a mobile app will help your members to not miss their workout session when they are unable to hit the gym and can do guided exercise at home. On the other hand there are people who do not wish to come to the gym but prefer to work out at home. For them mobile app is a very good option. You can earn income by giving options and discount offers on yearly subscriptions to the new members and this will be another source of income for you. Nevertheless, here you need to ensure that the workout sessions are not boring. Variations in every day sessions needs to be incorporated in the app. Fun with exercise should be your motto else soon the subscribers will unsubscribe you and you will lose potential amount of earning.

7. Refer and earn

Your current members can turn into a blessing in disguise for you. Since you are already providing excellent services to your existing members they will be more than happy to refer your GYM to their friends and family. Referral program can be helpful here. You can provide discounts to existing members at the time of their renewal by giving them discounts by referring some new members. This will motivate them since they are getting discounts on yearly fees and you will be getting new members. During slack season you can ask your existing members to invite their friends and family to enroll into your free sessions for a week or so in order to come and experience your services and atmosphere.

8. Team up

Health industry is not limited to hospitals, clinics and gyms, it is a vast field now involving nutrition experts, fitness apparel stores, personal trainers, physical therapists. Team up with them by giving them some incentive on referring inquiries from their existing set of customers and patients. On referring their customers can be offered good discounts on yearly membership. These all are very lucrative offers which can be used to catch the nerve of the prospective customers and get more and more memberships. Both of you can advertise each other on your respective websites and other social media platforms and increase the business; working unitedly

9. Weekly newsletter

Staying connected with old as well as new members through mails will keep you in their mind. Weight loss success stories of members with all other members will make them feel the connect and the person whose story is shared shall feel motivated and happy with your gesture. Those members who have left your GYM may not have unsubscribed you from their mailing list hence receiving mails will make them feel their importance and they may refer you to some more prospects. Free coupons on immediate subscription will attract the eye balls instantly and give you more business. However you must not forget to add a link to unsubscribe your mails just in case the receiver is not happy receiving your mails

10. Remarketing

It may be that the visitor did not do the final purchase on visiting your website, so you try to target him elsewhere on some other social media platform hoping that he will notice you there and come back to your website for further inquiry and final purchase. But such kind of purchase is not measurable easily. It is been observed that website visitors are more likely to convert into final sale than other prospects. You can create remarketing ads for people who visited your pricing page with content that offers a promotion only if applied online. This may lead to more membership’s .Hence in this way you can measure the success ratio easily and accordingly plan your future marketing strategies

Finally to summarise fitness world is undergoing constant change and facing increased competition. With digital marketing coming into picture things have become easier to reach the masses at the same time provided we use the technology effectively.

We at the Site Analyticz are here to fulfill all your dreams of success!!!! Please get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you !!!

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