Digital Marketing for Insurance Companies

digital marketing for insurance companies

Written by MYB Agency


Digital Marketing for Insurance Companies

Insurance industry holds a very important place in the world of uncertainty today. Let us first understand the definition of the word “INSURANCE”

Insurance Companies are the ones who offer risk coverage against various types of uncertainties in the form of a contract between the insurer and the insured. The insurer undertakes to make good the loss of the insured against a small amount of money which the insured pays to the insurer which is termed as PREMIUM on regular basis. The amount paid by the insurer is guaranteed in case all the terms and conditions agreed upon at the time of signing the insurance contract is are fulfilled.  

As an industry it is at a growing state as still many businessmen, individuals etc are not aware about the benefits of and the concept of insurance.  Out of the lot the customer who know about insurance   are aware about the benefits of insurance and they have all the information on their fingertips. Before making any decision they do lot of research, read reviews, visit websites etc. Hence it is inevitable for the insurance companies to adapt this changing funnel and remain in touch with the customers at every stage of the customer’s journey of insurance right from the purchase of the policy to claim settlements in case it arises.

Below listed are some tips to increase your business with the help of

Digital Marketing for Insurance Companies

  1. Brand build up

Branding should be designed in a way that it is cohesive on all platforms; both offline and online platforms. It is very crucial to have a uniform and strong brand image on all areas of marketing. Your sales are directly related to your marketing as it creates first impression of your company in the mind of your prospective customers. You need to ensure that your offline and online marketing look is the same. The look should be such that it leaves a good impact in the mind of the researchers. Branding should be attractive to grab the attention of the customers. Key features of your products should be highlighted on both the offline and online marketing platforms.

  1. Performance driven website

Website of any company of any industry is the face of the business. It is the one which leaves an impression on the mind of the visitors. Most of the research work today is done online and websites are the most common tool. You need to ask yourself!!  You should ensure that your website is designed in such a way that all the required information is easily available to the first time visitor on his visit to the website.  In case of scope of modification, corrections do the same asap. Apart from the website being attractive it should also be easy to navigate and user friendly. Pages should be focused on driving attention and later to inquiries and purchases. Login details can be a part of inquiry which will give u dual benefit; one u can get contact details by keeping one of the mandatory field and further leading it to type of product the customer wants to purchase. Chatbots should definitely be a part of your website; so that some concerns or questions of the customers can be promptly attended. SEO techniques should never be to give better priority to your website

  1. Effective content marketing

Choosing an insurance provider is not an easy; due to varied insurance products and features. Customers do lot of research work before purchasing. The General insurance policies are required to be renewed periodically hence the customers might opt to change the service provider every year due to better features, cheaper premiums, better services etc. Effective content marketing will help you reach wider audience. Effective SEO techniques along with good content will help you to increase organic traffic to your website and help your content rank higher on GOOGLE. Content marketing can be in the form of regular blogs, posts, newsletters which are effective and useful. New developments, updates coming up should be a part of your posts in order to keep your prospective buyers and customers well informed. This will help you to be in mind of your customers whenever they are seeking for a good insurance provider.

  1. Engage people on social media

Social media is considered to be the most popular medium for marketing. Interesting videos conveying message regarding importance of insurance uploaded on the platform will help you grab attention of the users. Videos always convey better than written communication as it is easier to understand the message behind the video and what it wants to convey. Regular posts with current updates on insurance and company’s development should be a part of your marketing plans. You can also include small surveys / quiz in this; in order to create engagement with the viewers. It helps to attract interest of the viewers and invite inquiries.

  1. Advertisement to acquire leads

Paid advertisements are very effective in digital marketing. You have many platforms to advertise your Company and products on social media like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Ads when coupled with high performing landing pages will keep the customer interested to research more.  These advertisements are designed by experts in the field; to touch the emotion of the viewers which gives recognition to your Company. You can use a particular concept in your advertisements and target a particular age group for life insurance policies and a particular area for general insurance policies. This helps to touch hearts of masses of all groups. These advertisements should be a part of your website also in order to grab the attention of the viewer immediately on visit. The content here again should be displaying the key feature of your Company and its products in an effective manner.

  1. Lead generation through digital media

Digital media gives you so many options to generate lead and different platforms to get in touch with the customers. Your website on the customer’s first visit asks for his contact details wherein the email id will be a part and the contact point for you to get in touch with the lead. Some even have options to feed in contact numbers which help you to get in touch with the customer personally. These options are to be used diligently and smartly as the prospective customer should not feel like a nuisance due to repeated emails or calls. Your first time approach here plays a very crucial role as it will be the one which will create a good or a bad impression about your company or product. Good marketing skills here will be needed and you need to be very careful while choosing your marketing person who will be assigned the task of first time contact with a prospective customer

  1. Chatbots

Large insurance companies are found using Chatbots on their websites to handle large volumes of customer queries every single day. These are found to be helpful both to the customer as well as the agents who are giving quotations to their customers. Chatbots help you answer general queries promptly and you do not have to wait to speak to customer service any more. This is also a cost effective tool since they are data driven and can handle good amount of concerns raised. On the other hand your call centre will get lesser amounts of calls of queries which a Chatbot can handle. Manpower can be utilised for other inquiries which a Chatbot cannot handle. Care definitely needs to be taken what chatbots are handling as there should not be any miscommunication in handling the customers. Any mishap will lead to serious customer service issues, so this area needs to be utilised with utmost care.

  1. Invest in SEO: One who finds you will only contact you

So in order to interact with you; people should be able to find you. Most of the online inquiries begin with search engines. You need to somehow get to the top of the list in the search results. People are found having a tendency to continue their search on the first page of the Google and not moving further to other pages. In order to get a higher ranking then you need to invest in SEO. There are the professionals who help you get desired results. Your website needs to be secured, mobile friendly, having appropriate speed, quality backlinks, optimised images and having good quality content to get good traffic. All this is managed well by SEO experts and trust me your money will be paid off once you see the results.

  1. Pay per click advertising

You have understood the need of SEO and its results. However you need to understand that all search queries do not give high commercial intent and some will be on the lower side. Most of the high intent searches will be covered up by ads and since mobile traffic has outpaced desktop traffic more and more people are clicking on paid ads. If you choose this option you need to make sure you engage with a good Google partner who actually knows what they are doing and what do you expect from them otherwise you will end up wasting your money. Your advertisement again should be effective and showing all the key feature of your company and its product features. It should also show clearly how your company is different from your competitors. Customers mostly are looking for cost saving options in purchasing any type of insurance and getting good value for money and the same should be the focus area of your advertisement in order to grab attention of the masses and invite more and more inquiries

  1. Blog

The most popular medium helps you generate traffic to your website. Regular blogs on different topics related to insurance will help you build trust with the customers and also know about your Company. Connect can be built with the help of initial inquiries and concerns raised to be answered promptly will lead to trust building. Content of the blog again should be precise, effective and not too lengthy in order to bind the customer.

To summarise, insurance being a vast field needs continuous up gradation and branding as competition in this industry is increasing day by day as lots of companies are coming up with more and better products. Here the theory of survival of the fittest will work well and efforts to create a life time relationship with the customers for all his insurance needs will be taken care of.

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